Generator Interconnection Standard
South Carolina Public Service Authority (Santee Cooper) Generator Interconnection procedures, forms, and agreements for generators connecting to the authority's distribution system.
SCPSA Generator Interconnect Standard
This standard contains the requirements, in addition to applicable tariffs and service regulations, for the interconnection and parallel operation of Generating Facilities with the South Carolina Public Service Authority (“SCPSA” or the “Authority.”).
Rooftop Solar Installations
The most common forms needed are for certified inverter-based facilities no larger than 20kW.
The forms available are :
- Interconnection Request
- Certificate of Completion
- Terms and Conditions for Certified Inverter-Based Generating Facilities No Larger than 20 kW
Interconnection Request Application
Change of Ownership (Solar Rooftop) Interconnection Request
Interconnection Requests for new Generating Facilities shall be submitted to Santee Cooper for approval at the final design stage and prior to the beginning of construction. Use the following contact information : |
The submission of a written request for a Section 1.2 Pre-Application Report is encouraged to identify potential interconnection issues unforeseen by the Interconnection Customer.
Revised Interconnection Requests for equipment or design changes should be submitted pursuant to Section 1.4.
Notification by the Interconnection Customer to the Authority of change of ownership or change in control must be submitted pursuant to Section 6.11.
Complete list of associated documents and forms below:
Full interconnect standard with all forms and agreements (116 pages)
For small, PV systems (e.g. rooftop solar) this 9-page document provides all the necessary agreements and terms.
- Interconnection Request
- Certificate of Completion
- Terms and Conditions for Certified Inverter-Based Generating Facilities No Larger than 20 kW
For small, PV systems (e.g. rooftop solar), this form should be completed by a customer who assumes ownership of an existing rooftop solar system (typically through a real estate acquisition).
- Interconnection Request
- Terms and Conditions for Certified Inverter-Based Generating Facilities No Larger than 20 kW
An Interconnection Customer may submit a formal written Pre-Application Report request form along with a non-refundable fee of $500.
Detailed application for all systems except <20kW Certified Inverter-based.
Documentation of site control shall be submitted to the Authority with the Interconnection Request using the Site Control Verification Form.
Necessary for systems that do not pass or qualify for the fast-track process.
Necessary if the customer needs the Authority to perform a Facilities Study to specify and estimate the cost of the equipment, engineering, procurement and construction work needed to implement the conclusions of the system impact study.
This Agreement shall be used for all Interconnection Requests submitted under the SCPSA Generator Interconnection Procedures except for those submitted under the 20 kW Inverter Process in Section 2 of the Standard.
The Distributed Generation Rider applies to customers who have rooftop solar panels or other qualifying generation sources.